Aluminium Windows Devon | Aluminium Window Prices Devon

Aluminium Windows for Devon Homes

Aluminium windows are becoming increasingly popular throughout Devon and the surrounding area, thanks to their durability and elegant design. These sturdy frames can enjoy a long lifespan with very little maintenance required. Our high quality windows are supplied by industry leading manufacturers like Smart, Reynaers and Origin.

Aluminium windows can be adapted to suit both traditional and modern properties. Because of their elegant and versatile design, they can blend in with the surrounding architecture and interior design without pulling attention away from existing features. Aluminium windows can be fitted to any size of Devon home, making them perfect replacements for outdated or inefficient window profiles. Due to their elegant sightlines, expansive areas of glazing allow for uninterrupted views and floods your home with light.

Our team prides itself on our high quality work, with decades of collective experience across our team. We never hire outside contractors, working on every window installation ourselves. We work swiftly and professionally, removing any remaining materials or equipment with us and leaving you with a long lasting and efficient new profile.

Talk to a member of our experienced team today for more information on our aluminium windows.

Features & Benefits



Our aluminium windows come in a wide variety of styles. These include casements, bow and bay, fixed frame, gable, and French windows. No matter the style, you can benefit from the durability and thermal efficiency of aluminium frames.

Powder Coating


To stop fading the coloured framework from fading over time, every aluminium window we install is covered in a specialist powder coating. This stops the profile from bleaching in direct sunlight, keeping your windows fresh for decades after being installed.



We don’t want to weigh down your Devon property with clunky frames, which is why we use aluminium. Whilst it's just as strong as steel, it's super lightweight, allowing for easy transport and installation!

Secured by Design


Our entire range of aluminium windows is accredited by Secured by Design. A police backed scheme, Secured by Design ensures that Devon homes are protected against forced entry. Every aluminium window comes with a multipoint locking system as standard.

Aluminium Window Prices, Devon

We install a range of aluminium windows into Devon homes. Use our online quoting engine to get your bespoke window design, and we will be in touch with a free quote.

For more information on our windows and installations, get in touch today. Use our online contact form or call us on 01288 356541 to speak to a member of our friendly team. We will be happy to offer information or answer your queries.

Frequently Asked Questions

aluminium windows
Our aluminium windows are designed with thermal efficiency in mind. For example, our Origin systems can achieve U-values as low as 1.5W/m2K with double glazing, and 1.1W/m2K with triple glazing.
Aluminium windows are one of the most durable options and could last for 30 years or more. This is without additional upkeep, requiring only an occasional wash to remove collected dirt.
While aluminium windows can last significantly long, they do not last forever. If you think your aluminium windows are underperforming, you may benefit from upgrading them. Single glazed aluminium windows can also be upgraded to double or triple glazing, improving the thermal efficiency of your home.
Aluminium windows are easy to recycle, and there is no limit to the number of times they can be reused. When replacing old aluminium, we will always recycle your old frames so they can be used again.
uPVC and aluminium windows have their unique benefits, often depending on their style and your home. Aluminium has a slightly longer lifespan and is more eco friendly. In fact, 75% of the aluminium produced in the last 100 years is still in use today. However, uPVC is more cost efficient.
Big Aluminium Windows Bideford

Further Benefits

High Levels of Insulation

Aluminium windows are excellent at keeping your home insulated, meaning you could use less energy to keep your home warm. This is due to its key design elements such as a polyamide break and multi chambered internal frames.


Aluminium windows could be significantly cheaper than other window frames. Wooden frames may require much more maintenance due to sanding, painting and varnishing. Aluminium windows could also work out more cost effective in the long run due to their low maintenance.


Being perfect for both contemporary and traditional homes, aluminium windows create the perfect aesthetic for your home. Due to the range of designs, styles and colours you can pick the window that suits your home best.

Origin Aluminium Windows Brochure

Reynaers Aluminium Windows Brochure

Smart Aluminium Windows Brochure

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